How Eating Disorders Differ: Orthorexia vs. Anorexia vs. Bulimia vs. BED
Elizabeth Hammond Elizabeth Hammond

How Eating Disorders Differ: Orthorexia vs. Anorexia vs. Bulimia vs. BED

Though there are often overlapping similarities in eating disorders, it’s helpful to understand how specific they differ. Knowing the differences can assist with effective diagnosis, tailored treatment, improved awareness, and it can help reduce stigmas by minimizing misunderstandings.

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Elizabeth Hammond Elizabeth Hammond

Perfectionism, Self-Worth, and Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are never just an eating disorder. While food restriction is one part of the problem, and often the primary reason my clients seek therapy, it is usually wrapped up with other issues, and perfectionism is a big one.

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Elizabeth Hammond Elizabeth Hammond

The Four Cs of Setting Boundaries

I encourage Clients to follow the four Cs. Boundaries should be Clear, Consistent, Consequential and, when appropriate, Compassionate.

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Elizabeth Hammond Elizabeth Hammond

Manage, Contemplate, Evaluate

Thoughts and feelings do not make you a good or bad person. They simply are what they are. They are morally neutral.

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Elizabeth Hammond Elizabeth Hammond

Values Based Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating disorders take over and disconnect people from their values. It’s impossible to make decisions rooted in your values because you are too preoccupied with making decisions that satisfy eating disorder thoughts.

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